Hear what our students have to say

I wanted to thank you enormously for providing such an enriching (spiritually and physically) yoga experience. Your studio is very special and what you all as a team have achieved there, in the form of professionalism, ambience and community, is extraordinary. All of this was like an oasis to me during multiple life storms in the past months.
— Agnieszka N
I absolutely love this yoga studio. The variety of classes and schedule is fabulous and in my personal opinion the studio has got some of the best teachers I have come across.
— Sonia M
What a really wonderful concept you’ve created. Far more spiritual, soulful and respectful of the journey rather than the goal. Well done.
— Mowenna F
Alexandra’s classes have been uniformly excellent. Having had back problems for a few years, attending these classes has resulted in the best all-around reduction in chronic pain that I’ve experienced. highly recommended.
— Adam T
Thank you for providing such an amazing, safe, powerful space and for recruiting such amazing teachers. They have been consistent custodians of an authentic, healing and collaborative space that is truly hard to find in this fast paced world of ours.
— Heath C
Alexandra’s yoga for back care yoga class is nothing short of miraculous! At the completion of the class I honestly feel like my body has been transformed and I walk out of the class with a completely new body. The deep release of the muscles and realigning of the spine makes me feel taller and freer. The stiffness and pain are always dramatically reduced and in some cases completely gone.
— Karen H
I have just completed a thirty day plus challenge of attending SoHo Grange classes and reflecting on how I managed it. Apart from the wonderful support of my wife to get time to get there, the answer lies within the beautiful space that is SoHo. At other yoga venues I have had one or two favourite teachers but at SoHo all the teachers are awesome The availability of classes ranging across the day, especially at 4.30pm on the way way home from work, lessened time burden on the rest of the day. I’ve enjoyed all the yoga classes plus the roll & release class and hope to try Pilates in the near future. In summary I’m sold on SoHo and expect to practice there for many years to come.
— Gerry M
I approached starting yoga with the hope that it would help me feel physically better & fitter. It did that but the additional aspects such as the breathing, meditation & philosophy provided so much more. I will definitely be continuing my practice.”
— Sally L
I can’t rate your studio highly enough. Fabulous teachers, natural light, beautiful decor.”
— Kylie R
All the instructors are amazing & quite different, which is good if you want to mix it up. I feel better every time I leave!”
— Megan C
I love this place. No matter how hectic and stressful my day to day life, without fail SoHo Yoga takes me back to calm contentment.”
— Kate B
Love this studio. A beautifully warm and relaxing space with lovely instructors and students. An awesome class timetable!”
— Neralee F
With 3 kids under 4 I love coming along to SoHo for ‘me’ time. It makes me a much more relaxed mum. I can’t believe the difference in myself since I started. I’m hooked!”
— Kylie R
Today after six months of yoga I was finally able to reach my feet in a seated forward fold. After starting by barely reaching my knees I feel ecstatic!”
— Claire O
Thank you so much for such an amazing class this morning. Headstand is something I fear & worried I could never do. It was a wonderful feeling to kick the legs up the wall and wham they stayed up. Such an awesome feeling – keen to try again. The vibe in the room with so many able to achieve their first headstand was wonderful. So thank you for the courage you gave us all.”
— Nicole S